About S2dio
S2dio Fine Furniture is a designer and manufacturer of high quality furniture comprising of a range of materials including synthetic-rattan, aluminium, stainless steel, hardwood and cushions.
They support responsible timber sourcing and strive to work in harmony with the environment.
Their product development team and skilled technicians work hard to design products for an international clientele, which often take on a contemporary look and feel.
What is recycled teak?
S2dio's teak furniture is made using recycled teak that has been reclaimed from old houses that are being replaced by modern infrastructure in Indonesia.
The sense of a long history is evident in the recycled wood construction. This special feeling is characterised by visible marks, scratches and minor splits that are a natural part of the style and character from the teaks previous life.
Recycled teak combines both the durability and strength of traditional teak with the environmental benefits associated with recycling existing materials to ease the pressure off plantations and raw materials.
S2dio has perfected the art of crafting furniture from recycled teak, carefully selecting the wood prior to manufacture to ensure components are used in the most effective way. Adding to that, S2dio's range of designs span all product types from tables and chairs to loungers and daybeds.
Recycled teak reacts in the same way as the plantation teak when exposed to the elements and will thus provide you with longevity and a firm feeling of reliability when used outdoors.
Features & Characteristics
Timeworn teak tenon joints are part of the teaks history and prove its originality.
Knots are often a generation old, a signature of long life and quality.
Finished on high precision machinery with trained craftsman to give a quality that lasts.
Beauty lies in the imperfections
When buying recycled timber, you are buying the stories, the history and the imperfections. Every piece of furniture is unique and is what makes recycled teak furniture special.
Cracks are a part of the woods natural fabric and pose no quality concerns, they are simply wrinkles that reflect the age of the wood.
Nail holes and other marks have been left by craftsman and are a part of the woods natural character and charm.
Wooden patches are solid and strong and simply give a smooth surface where timeworn tenon joins or knots once were. These are a physical reminder of the history of the teak.
Living with recycled teak
Teak will form a silver patina on the surface when it is exposed to the sun over time. This is perfectly normal and considered part of the teaks life cycle with many connoisseurs of teak actually preferring the silver patina as a symbol of originality.
Teaks natural colour and finish can be maintained by washing down the teak with an antifungal cleaner followed by lightly sanding the surface once per year.
"The sense of a long history is evident in the recycled teak, often having visible marks and even tenon joints from the teaks previous life. These birthmarks are a sign of the teaks originality which should be embraced." Andre Schoenmakers - Founder of S2dio
Quality that won't cost the earth
Our products are made from reclaimed materials and consequently do not directly come from forests or plantations.
What is FSC®?
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) promotes environmentally, socially, and economically responsible management of the world's forest.

Why choose FSC®?
Deforestation destroys entire ecosystems, threatens local economies and contributes to global warming. Recycled teak (reclaimed material) will reduce the pressure on responsibly managed forests. FSC certified teak gives you peace of mind that your teak is from responsibly managed sources.
Does FSC® affect quality?
Not in the slightest. FSC® verifies traceability of material to certified sources and compliant to the rules and regulations of FSC® relating to the responsible management of the world's forest.
S2dio Collection - furniture
3 steps to restoring your teak furniture - blog post