Kwila Care & Maintenance
As a naturally dense and oily wood, Kwila is able to withstand the most challenging of outdoor environments, making it the material of choice for decking and outdoor use.
All our kwila products are from environmentally sustainable sources and are certified by the FSC.
Our Kwila is thoroughly dried in special customised kilns for up to 6 weeks to minimise shrinkage or movement. The finished products are then well-sanded, oiled and dried before packaging.
Kwila will naturally leech excess sap within the first few weeks of being exposed to rain. As a result, we recommend that all kwila furniture be 'bled' or 'leached' during this period so that the tannin won't stain or damage flooring or your skin or clothes.
Bleeding - how to:
Place assembled furniture on a grassed area and direct a hose with a steady flow of water at the furniture. It is important that all areas of the furniture are saturated so that all the oil and tannin can run out of the kwila.
The bleeding process can take between 4-6 hours and will remove 95% of tannin from the timber. We offer the service here at Lume, please ask a team member for more information. Bleeding is only required once, and does not have to be repeated.
After bleeding:
Oiling the furniture is the next necessary step, using a furniture oil.
Pour some oil into a disposable plastic container (eg. take away container) and dip a small sponge (that fits nicely into your hand) into the oil. Wipe smoothly across the furniture following the grain. You may need 2 coats of oil after bleeding.
Note: do not pour the oil from the take away container back into the can. This will contaminate the rest of the can, and make it no good.
Before & after dining, or entertaining, we suggest to wipe the kwila down with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt that may have landed on the furniture.
Once every 2 years, or when you think the timber needs it, re-oil the kwila to bring its colour back. Before oiling make sure to give the timber a really good clean.
The use of furniture covers during periods of time where you are not using the furniture will minimise any additional cleaning and extend the kwila's life.
It is highly recommended to tighten all fittings every 6 months to prevent the frames from working loose and causing damage to the joins. NOTE: new timber should be tightened 6 weeks after you get it home.
Macgregor Showroom
Shop 2, 532 Kessels Road. Macgregor QLD 4109
Located behind Baby Bunting
Phone number (07) 3849 3866
Trading Hours
Monday - Saturday 9-5
Sunday 10-4